Privacy Policy

Red On Group Limited (hereinafter “We” or “RED ON”) collects some of your personal data for the optimal participation and experience to our events. We explain hereafter how we use these data.

Who processes your data?

Red On Group Limited is the controller of the processing of your data. Red On Group Limited (“RED ON”), which is registered in England and Wales under company number 13552080. RED ON’s registered office is at 33a Cherry Orton Road, Peterborough, PE2 5EQ, United Kingdom.

For what purposes do we use your data?

We use your data:

  1. for the performance of your contract with us and more particularly:
  • to manage your registrations,
  • to receive your payments and to provide a customer support, among others to provide customer service communication (including by email or other means), such as to send you the confirmations of registration as well as the reminders for the events and to manage the possible requests regarding accessibility and to manage cashless payments;
  • to manage the event and, among other things, to allow localisation of the participants and to ensure the security of the event;
  • to establish a ranking of participants;
  • to take photos and videos of the event and to produce other audio-visual material about the event;
  • for the public announcement and publication of the rankings, and publication of photos, videos or other audio-visual materials on the event’s site
  • to create a personalised web page for you with information about your participation to the event, which you can also make visible to other people, and to monitor the use of this webpage.
  1. For the fulfilment of our legitimate interests:
  • to inform you about our other events and activities that may be of interest to you. You can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time if you do not wish to receive such information;
  • To use the photos and videos on which you are pictured as mood images for the promotion of the event and its future editions (including in social media);
  • To provide you with information about the services and products of the partners and sponsors with whom we work for the event you participate in;
  • For analysis and market research to improve and adapt our products and services;
  • To prevent and detect illegal behaviour, to defend or enforce our rights or in other cases permitted by law. For example, to ensure that tickets are in the hands of the actual fans and participants. In this context we may use your data to prevent the resale of tickets, infringements on our intellectual property rights (e.g. our trademark rights or those of our partners), fraud or other criminal offences;
  • To build your profile to help us adapt our services to you; We have a legitimate interest in keeping in touch with the participants in our events and to promote and to improve our events. For photos videos and other audio-visual materials that are not mood images and that clearly aim at using and promotion your image as a central figure, your consent will be requested if used for promotional purposes.
  1. And, on occasion provided you have consented hereto:
  • To process your health data to respond to requests for accessibility or allergies;
  • To transfer your data to the partners and sponsors with whom we work to allow them to provide you with information about their services and products;
  • To allow other companies of the RED ON group to send you information about the events they organise;
  • To send your information to partners for later use by them (including for photos and other audio-visual material on which you appear as the central element); You always have the right to withdraw your consent.

Which data do we use?

We use the data entered during the registration process, including:

  • Name and surname ;
  • Age ;
  • Gender ;
  • Address ;
  • E-mail address;
  • Telephone number;
  • Phone number for urgent calls;
  • Nationality;
  • Team name (if a member of a team);
  • Participant number;
  • Information you send us as part of your communications with us.

In addition to this information, we sometimes use the following personal data:

  • Photo, video and other audio-visual material;
  • Localisation during the event;
  • Results for publication;
  • When you attend one of our events, we can collect your date through (i) security video camera’s (we use signs when such cameras are being used) and (ii) if available, via cashless wrist payment bands which are used for access to the events or to make payments at the site of the event;
  • When you use our websites or app, we collect information such as the browser and device you use, your IP address, your location, the website where you come from, how you use our website/app, or the website you visit when you leave our website/app. See our cookie policy for more information on how we collect that information.
  • When you use a social media feature on our website or in apps and post information on social media, the social media site provides us with information about you.
  • If you have accessibility requests, we want to make sure you have the best experience when attending our events. To do this, we need to collect data about your needs (which may include processing information about your mental or physical health).
  • In the rare cases where we collect personal information from children, we always ask permission from their parents and we always collect this information only for the purposes specified at the time we collect it.

How long do we keep these data?

We will not retain your data for longer than necessary to (i) provide you with the services you have requested, (ii) for the purposes described in this document, and (iii) for the legal purposes for which we are required to retain these data.

If we collect images from security cameras, we will keep them for a maximum of one month after the event. Your details (last name, first name, e-mail and event for which you have registered) are stored indefinitely to inform you about other events.

You have the right to, at any time, request not to receive such information. Your contact information will then be deleted. By exception, photos and other audio-visual material can be used as atmosphere images and for promotional purposes for an unlimited period of time.

We will delete your data in a secure manner when they are no longer required for such purposes, and in accordance with the policies of our company.

Who do we share your information with and why?

We sometimes use third parties, subcontractors, external service providers, companies and other bodies of the RED ON group, specialised in certain activities:

  • timing, registration, ranking, photographers, technical support, marketing, reporting, VIP packages and hospitality, etc.;
  • cloud service providers that provide IT-infrastructure on which our products and services are built;
  • our co-sponsors and partners for events that organise or provide specific services during an event;
  • third parties who deliver the services and products you have purchased (e.g. merchandising products) so that they can process and deliver your orders ;
  • the people who would be the successors of our company or part of it. We have entered into the necessary arrangements with them, meaning that they will only process your data for us.

Some of our subcontractors process your data outside the European Union. Where it is the case, specific measures have been taken to ensure the security of your data: either these subcontractors are located in countries that offer an adequate level of protection to your data, or we have so-called “standard contractual clauses” with them.

When we use subcontractors established in the United States, it is also possible that they are part of the “Privacy Shield” program. A copy of the measures taken to provide adequate security to your data can be requested by sending an e-mail to

We will not share your information with third parties except:

  • to the authorities or other competent bodies when it is legally required or authorised or for medical or security reasons (for example, if you do feel unwell during the event);
  • for the publication of results and photos, videos and other audio-visual material in the various event communication channels ;
  • if you have agreed with this transfer. The ranking in which your results are listed is communicated to the public (and the media), as well as promotional images and atmosphere images, including photos and other audio-visual material.

Your rights!

You have the right to access your personal data and have them corrected. You also have the right in certain circumstances, to oppose their use or request their deletion and the right to request a limitation of processing, as well as the right to request the transfer of your data, in accordance with Articles 15 to 20 of the GDPR (General Regulation on Data Protection).

You also have the right to oppose their use for direct marketing purposes, free of charge.

To exercise the above rights, send an e-mail to with your surname, name and the name of the event you attended. A proof of your identity may be requested.

We draw your attention to the fact that certain personal data may be excluded from the right of access, rectification, opposition, deletion or deletion, in accordance with applicable law.

Publication of results

Establishing a ranking of participants is inherent to a competition such as the event. It is therefore part of the contract concerning participation to the event.

The rankings are published on the website of the event (if the event has a dedicated website) and on other websites or in other media.

Requests to delete your results from the ranking will not be accepted if that can affect the results.

Professionals, semi-professionals and participants who have won a prize or medal during the event cannot asked to be removed from the list of results. Other participants may send a request to be deleted from the ranking. Their participation number, surname and name, as well as their age will be deleted, so that their identification will not be possible anymore after deletion of these information. This request can be sent to and must contain the event, the name and first name; proof of identity may be required.

Using photos and videos

Photos and videos can be taken in the course of the event and any other audio-visual material can be produced.

The event takes place in places accessible to the public. By participating in a public event, you agree that photos, videos and any other audio-visual material of the event are taken on which you are visible but wherein your person is not the central point of focus. We have a legitimate interest in using such photos videos and other audio-visual material for the promotion and experience of our events.

Pictures and other audio-visual material wherein you are the central point of focus can also be taken. We have a legitimate interest to use these photos and audio-visual material in brochures, posters, general marketing material and on the event website, for the promotion of the event and the future editions of it. You have the right to request the removal of these photos up to 6 weeks after the event. You can do so by sending an e-mail to with your surname, name and the name of the event in which you participated as well as the indication of the photo or video in question. Proof of your identity may be requested.

The photos or audio-visual material that are not mood images and wherein you are not the central point of focus will not be shared with partners or sponsors of the event, unless you have consented with such sharing.


If you have questions or complaints regarding the processing of your personal data, we are happy to assist you. Contact us at If you think that contacting us will not offer a proper solution, the law gives you the right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority.


This Privacy Policy was last updated on 31 January 2023. We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time, including as part of the GDPR. New updates will be available on the event website.