Terms & Conditions of entry

1. About these Terms and Conditions

1.1. These terms and conditions apply to any contract between You and Red On Group Limited (“RED ON”) in respect of Your participation in the Event.

1.2. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before registering for the Event through the Website.

1.3. Please note that before registering for the Event through the Website or otherwise You will be asked to accept these terms and conditions. By clicking on the “I Accept” check box online You are confirming Your agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions. If You do not want to accept these terms and conditions, You will not be able to register for the Event.

2. About Your Contract

2.1. In registering for the Event, You are entering into a legally binding contract with Red On Group Limited (“RED ON”), which is registered in England and Wales under company number 13552080. RED ON’s registered office is at 33a Cherry Orton Road, Peterborough, PE2 5EQ, United Kingdom. This contract, and Your obligations under it, will conclude upon Your completion of the Event.

2.2. For the purposes of these terms and conditions, “You” means the person identified as the Rider in the application to register for the Event offered through the Website (the “Registration Application”) or, if the Rider is under 18 years old, the parent or guardian who has signed the Parental Consent Form and submitted the Registration Application (and “Your” shall be construed accordingly).

2.3. RED ON may assign the contract, or subcontract or delegate the delivery of the Event in any manner to: (i) any separate entity controlled by, or under common control with, RED ON; or (ii) any provider of outsourcing or third-party services that is engaged under a service contract to provide services to RED ON at the RED ON’s sole discretion.

2.4. For the purpose of the declaration in clause 20 herein ‘I’ means ‘You’.

2.5. RED ON at its sole discretion retains the right to reject a Registration Application at any time prior to the Event.

3. The Event

3.1. The “Event” means any disciplines offered at the British Gravel Championships. Further details of each specific cycling discipline are available on the British Gravel Championships website.

4. Terms Used

“Brand” means all unique designs, signs, symbols and words, or a combination of these, employed in creating an image that identifies the British Gravel Championships and its sponsors and partners which differentiates it from its competitors.

“Controlled Event Route(s)” means the environment temporarily established on the public highway, private roads and/or tracks and gravel roads, for the non-exclusive use of the Event for a specific duration which will be published at or around the date of the Event. Riders must anticipate that the public, either in vehicles, on horseback or on foot will be present on the Controlled Event Routes at some point during the Event. Riders must be attentive to this risk and take any necessary evasive action should such a scenario materialise to protect the Rider’s own safety and security and that of others around. The Controlled Event Route is designated by warning signage, directional signage and marshals.

“Cycling Equipment” means any equipment a Rider will use in the Event including but not limited to clothing, safety equipment and bicycles.

“Date” means the date of the event publicised on the Event Website.

‘’Event Guide’’ means the document published shortly ahead of the Event setting out specific details about the Event including but not limited logistics and participation regulations.

‘’Event Official’’ means any accredited person acting in an official capacity at the Event.

‘’Event Solutions Desk’’ means the place where participants can seek support for all race / ride related issues arising .  The Event Solutions Desk is typically located within the Event Registration desk in the Event Village.

‘’Event Registration’’ means the location within the Event Village where participants can collect their event accreditations and confirm their arrival and intention to participate on the day.

“Event Village” means the location of the Event headquarters, the associated car parks, expo space and event routes.

“Fundraising Partner” is a fundraising organisation with whom RED ON has a Fundraising Partner agreement.

“Open Road(s)” means an environment whereby the Highway Code and other related regulations as exist at the time apply.

“Race Director” means the individual responsible for the cycling Events and specifically the results.

“Racing Licence” means any racing licence issued by British Cycling, British Master Cycle Racing (BMCR), TLI Cycling Ltd or any other recognised cycling international governing body.

“Race Start Gate’’ means that start gate set up for each event.

“Rider” means the registered participant in the Event

“Specified Location” means the location on the event route announced by RED ON prior to the Event which Riders must pass before the Specified Time in order to be allowed to complete the event. Riders failing to pass the Specified Location by the Specified Time will be required to take a short-cut back towards the finish at the Event Village.

“Specified Speed” means the speed published at or around the date of the Event at which the broom wagon will drive the event route beyond the Specified Location and after the Specified Time has lapsed.

“Specified Time” means the time announced by RED ON prior to the Event whereby the Controlled Event Routes will be re-opened and any Rider who has not gone past the Specified Location will be required to take a shorter route back to the finish at the Event Village.

“UCI” means Union Cycliste Internationale, the world governing body for sports cycling.

“We” means RED ON or any employee or representative or associate of RED ON (and “our” shall be construed accordingly).

“Website” means www.britishgravelchampionships.com. RED ON provides this Website to give general information about the British Gravel Championships. The Website contains a link or embedded form to enter the Event using the Eventrac system. Payments are processed by Stripe. Please refer to any terms and conditions on each payment gateway for all additional matters relating to payments and entry.

5. Event Specifics

5.1. Licences

It is not a requirement for a Rider to have a licence to participate in the British Gravel Championships.

5.2. Security

RED ON’s liability to compensate Riders for any loss or damage to personal property in secure paid for storage provided for the Event and/or Event village is limited to a reasonable amount, having regard to such factors as whether the loss or damage was due to a negligent act or omission by RED ON. If you do not make use of the secure areas you are responsible for any loss or damage to personal property.

5.3. Event Regulations

The Event is held under technical regulations determined by the Race Director.  These are set out in the Event Guide.

5.4. Participation Exclusions

Riders to which the following statements apply are not granted participation rights in the Event even if they pay the entry fee:

5.4.1. a rider who is currently serving a UCI suspension or ban for breach of the rules including doping may not enter either race.

5.5. Protective Headgear

It is a mandatory requirement of participation that Riders at the Event wear protective headgear which meets UCI technical standards.

5.6. Public Highways

The public highways are not closed for the events. Riders will have to abide by the Highway Code and any regulations applying to Open Roads and forest tracks as are in force at the time. Riders must be aware at all times for potential hazards which get onto the routes the most likely of which are vehicles, pedestrians, animals such as deer and dogs and farm vehicles.

5.7. Event Registration

5.7.1. It is a requirement that each Rider in the Event confirms that they have read the Event Rider Manual and accepts the contents. It is also a requirement of registration that each Rider presents photographic identification to RED ON to confirm the Rider’s identity.

5.7.2. Medical support is provided for the Event. Risk assessments have been conducted to inform the quantity and location of the medical support during the Event. RED ON does not warrant or guarantee the length of any response for the medical support team to reach a Rider in need of attention.

5.7.3. Limited mechanical support is provided for the Event. RED ON does not warrant or guarantee the length of any response for the mechanical support team to reach a Rider in need of attention. It is strongly recommended that all riders are self-sufficient in relation to repairs whilst riding.

6. Entry Process

6.1. A Registration Application offer is made by You when:

6.1.1. You submit an application to register for the Event;

6.1.2. You have agreed to these terms and conditions; and

6.1.3. RED ON or its designated third-party payment gateway provider (whichever is the earlier) receives a legitimate payment into its designated bank account, or RED ON otherwise receives such moneys in cash or bank transfer of the entry fee.

6.2. By submitting a Registration Application, You are:

6.2.1. making an offer to participate in the Event subject to these terms and conditions and any specific additional/alternative terms drawn to Your attention by RED ON during the registration process; and

6.2.2. confirming that You are at least 18 years of age.

6.2.3. Have read and understood our privacy and GDPR policy which is available for download on our website.

6.3. A Registration Application may only be submitted by individuals who are at least 18 years old. Under 18s who would like to make a Registration Application should ask their parent or guardian to make the Registration Application on their behalf and confirm that they agree to these terms and conditions.

6.4. Upon RED ON’s receipt of the relevant entry fee for the Event, RED ON grants You the right to participate in the Event subject to these terms and conditions of entry, the Event Rider Manual and any instructions given to You by the organisers or officials of the Event. The entry fee does not make provision of a Racing Licence for the Rider or any other products or services such as t-shirts or sports therapy.

6.5. We reserve the right to refuse entry to the Event or to ask You to cease participation if You fail to follow instructions given by an Event Official, You attempt to participate in the Event in a manner that We believe: (a) may cause injury to You or another participant, (b) in our opinion is likely to cause offence, (c) may damage or harm the environment, or (d) otherwise causes a risk or potential risk to health and safety including any failure, in whole or in part, to comply with the restrictions in relation to Event safety, or in our opinion You are unfit to participate in the Event due to either the consumption or use of alcohol or drugs or because of an injury or illness or You are in any way not complying with the rules or spirit of the Event..

6.6. We also reserve the right to refuse entry to an Event if You fail to arrive at the start location at the specified start time or if You are unable to make sufficient progress in the Event to allow You to complete the Event in line with timelines set by Event officials.

6.7. If You are refused entry to an Event or we ask You to cease participation in the Event, You must remove your Event race number and follow any instruction of an Event official. If you are out of the event and riding on open roads you must follow the highway code.

6.8. RED ON at its sole discretion reserves the right to reject Your Registration Application, even if previously accepted, at any time prior to the Event upon repayment of the entry fee and any associated registration costs without prior notice and without proving the grounds for doing so. RED ON will not be liable for any other costs incurred by You in association with the Event.

7. Your Status and Responsibilities

7.1. By entering the Event, You agree, warrant, undertake and represent that:

7.1.1. You are legally capable of entering contracts.

7.1.2. You will only enter events for which you have reached the published minimum age by 31st December in the year of the Event (the “Date”). The minimum age for the various events is as follows:

Gravel Race: 16 years or older

Gravel Sportive (100km): 16 years or older to participate by yourself. 15 years or older if participating with a responsible adult.

Gravel Sportive (40km): 16 years or older to participate by yourself. 12 years or older if participating with a responsible adult.

Night Ride: 16 years or older to participate by yourself. 10 years or older if participating with a responsible adult.

Any participants required to be accompanied by an adult during their ride must report (along with their guardian/adult) to the Event Solutions desk and sign a parental consent form before their ride.

7.1.3. You will abide by any rules and regulations specified in the Event Guide (available on the Event website at least two weeks before the Event) and by the Event Officials  and RED ON as amended up to and including the day of the Event.

7.1.4. You understand and agree that You will participate in this Event and any other event organised by RED ON or agents thereof entirely at your own risk.

7.1.5. You will rely on your own ability in dealing with hazards and must ride in a way that is safe to yourself and others paying particular attention to road furniture, convoy vehicles, natural obstacles in the forest, and the condition of the road or track surface which in spaces could be badly damaged with potholes and cracks.

7.1.6. At all times during the Event You will adhere to all instructions given by Event officials. You accept that any general guidance given by marshals, our sub-contractors or volunteers are purely advisory and You must decide if any manoeuvre You make is safe and do so entirely at your own risk.

7.1.7. You will hold harmless RED ON, any of its partners, employees, subcontractors, volunteers, officials or anyone else involved in the Event or attending the Event Village from any liability associated with the Event whether arising for breach of contract, any tortious act or omission (including negligence) or otherwise. This includes although is not restricted to injury or loss however caused and damage or theft of equipment prior to, during or after the Event, loss of profit, loss of reputation, loss of business, revenue or goodwill, loss of anticipated savings, or consequential or indirect loss, regardless of whether the loss or damage: (a) would arise in the ordinary course of events; (b) is reasonably foreseeable; or (c) is in the contemplation of the parties, or otherwise. You accept full liability and responsibility for any medical expenses incurred as a result of training for and/or participating in the Event. However, nothing in these terms and conditions shall affect our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence, or for fraud, or any other liability to the extent it cannot be excluded or limited by law.

7.1.8. You are in a fit and healthy condition and are not suffering any medical conditions which prevent You from participating in the Event. You agree You are capable of competing in a strenuous cycling event. You have taken professional medical advice to confirm this. You confirm that You have trained to meet the challenges of the Event as shown on the website. Further, that on the Event date, You will be sufficiently fit and healthy to participate in the Event in accordance with this agreement.

7.1.9. You are responsible for the quality of the Cycling Equipment You will use in the Event and warrant that it is fit for purpose. For the avoidance of doubt handlebars are to be of the conventional design for the specific type of event in which they are used for example in the Gravel Enduro and Gravel Race, tri-bars, aero-bars, clip-ons, prayer bars, cows bars or Spinachi design are prohibited. There will be no bike inspection conducted by RED ON at the Event.

7.1.10. You are responsible for ensuring that your timing device is functioning correctly and that your Event race numbers are attached and displayed appropriately and that the medical information template on the reverse side of the jersey number is completed in full.

7.1.11. You are responsible for the condition and suitability of your clothing to ensure that reasonable standards of modesty are maintained. If RED ON reasonably believes that these standards are not maintained then it has the sole discretion to withdraw the Rider without compensation.

7.1.12. You are responsible for your registration into the Event on or around the day of the Event. Your Event race number and timing device will be provided to You upon your registration. Racing Licences where required must be presented at registration. It is mandatory that You have read the Event Guide and accept it. You accept that You are required to present photographic identification at the point of registration to confirm your identity.

7.1.13. You are not currently serving a UCI suspension or ban for breach of the relevant rules and regulations including doping or that if You enter this status prior to the Event having previously paid the entry fee You will be unable to ride in the Event and You will not be entitled to a refund.

7.1.14. You will wear protective headgear which meets UCI technical standards at all times while participating in the Event.

7.1.15. If you choose to withdraw during Your ride, it is your responsibility to inform the Event Solutions desk (either in-person or via the phone number published in the Event Guide) to confirm that you have withdrawn and are safe.

7.1.16. You agree that through your completion and submission of the online Entry Form, You are committing to paying for your Event entry via the means as instructed on the Website.

7.1.17. You accept that all decisions and rulings by RED ON its employees and its agents in respect of the Event are considered final.

7.1.18. You are responsible for the secure retention of your entry confirmation email which you will need to present in order to collect your race pack for the Event. RED ON shall not issue a replacement entry confirmation. You are also responsible for the submission of the correct data as part of your entry to the event.

7.1.19. You are responsible for self-serving your own ride details and information from the Event website prior to the Event. The Event Start Sheet and Final Information will be published on the website www.britishgravelchampionships.com at least one week before the event. RED ON shall not email your rider number or any specific event information to you prior to the event.

8. Retention of Ownership

8.1. RED ON retains all the rights to the Event and its Brand unless otherwise secured on licence from a third party in which case the particular rights vest with the originator. The payment of the entry fee grants no rights to the Event other than the right to participate.

9. Transfer, Name Change, Refund and Deferral

9.1. The Event entry (including any optional extras) purchased by You is non-refundable under any circumstances other than as provided for under clauses 6.8 and

9.2. Your entry (including any optional extras) can be transferred to another rider by following the instructions on the event website. The deadline to make use of this option is August 13th 2024 @ 23:59 GMT.

9.3.     It is possible to defer an entry (including any optional extras) for the British Gravel Championships event until the following year’s Event if RED ON can find a replacement for your Entry. The following deadlines and fees apply.

Your Entry can be deferred:

Until July 1st 2024 at 23:59 GMT for a £10 admin fee.

Between July 2nd 2024 00:00 GMT and August 1st 2024 23:59 GMT for a £35 admin fee.

Between August 2nd 2024 00:00 GMT and August 15th 2024 23:59 for a £45 admin fee.

No Deferrals will be offered after August 15th 2024 23:59.

It is Your responsibility to contact RED ON via email at info@britishgravelchampionships.com by the above stated deadlines.

9.4.     In the event that by mistake You make more than one entry for Yourself in the same event the surplus entries will be refunded. You must contact RED ON to arrange this.

10. Online Transactions

10.1. We use secure payment facilities for all online purchases provided by Eventrac or similar platform, Your payment details such as credit card details are entered in a secure payment gateway handle by a third party payment service provider (Secure Trading), which uses SSL protocol on their own dedicated HTTPS servers to communicate with the merchant's acquiring bank to validate and process the details. Our payment systems are fully PCI compliant.

10.2. The system for taking payments and capturing your entry data is provided by a third party, Eventrac or similar. You will have access to their terms and conditions when You enter the event. They are acting as our agent and payments made will initially go to Eventrac, Stripe or similar before the payment is cleared to RED ON.

11. Cookies

11.1. If You have cookies enabled, data may be stored on Your local PC to enable speedy input of subsequent transactions. If You do not agree to this please ensure You have disabled cookies in your browser. More information about the cookies used on the Website is available in our cookies policy.

12. Matters Outside of Our Control (Force Majeure)

12.1. We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations that is caused by events outside our reasonable control (a “Force Majeure Event”).

12.2. A Force Majeure Event includes any act, event, non-happening, omission or accident beyond our reasonable control and includes in particular (without limitation) the following:

12.2.1. strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action;

12.2.2. civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war (whether declared or not) or threat or preparation for war;

12.2.3. fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, inclement weather conditions, subsidence, epidemic, pandemic or other natural disaster;

12.2.4. impossibility of the use of public or private telecommunications networks;

12.2.5. sabotage of the Event or deliberate vandalism of the Event resources and infrastructure;

12.2.6. the acts, decrees, legislation, regulations or restrictions of any government.

12.3. In such circumstances We will, if possible, provide notice of cancellation to You. In the event of cancellation, We will have no responsibility for any costs incurred as a result of cancellation. As significant costs are incurred before the event and are paid irrespective of the event taking place these include any entry fees for the event, registration, travel or accommodation costs.

13. Breach

13.1. The breach of any of the regulations specified in these terms and conditions or terms and conditions themselves shall lead to the immediate disqualification of the Rider at the sole discretion of RED ON without compensation.

14. Conflict and Survival

14.1. In the event of conflict of these terms with any other applicable terms then the following hierarchy or importance shall apply:

14.1.1. these RED ON terms and conditions; and

14.2. In the event that any part of the stated regulations or these terms and conditions are unenforceable, such part shall be deleted and the remaining regulations or these terms and conditions shall remain in force and to the extent permitted by law.

15. Variation to these terms

15.1. RED ON reserves the right to vary these terms and conditions without consultation or prior notice. Any such variations shall apply for any Event.

16. Entire Agreement

16.1. These terms and conditions (and the documents referred to in them) constitute the entire agreement and understanding of the parties and supersede any previous agreement between the parties relating to the Event. You acknowledge and agree that in submitting the Registration Application, You do not rely on, and shall have no remedy in respect of, any statement, representation, warranty, understanding, promise or assurance (whether negligently or innocently made) of any person other than as expressly set out in these terms and conditions.

17. Third Party Rights

17.1. No person other than You and RED ON shall have any rights to enforce these terms and conditions.

18. Dispute

18.1. These terms and conditions and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation (including noncontractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales. The parties irrevocably agree that the courts of England and Wales shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction to settle any such dispute or claim.

19. Personal information

19.1. We are committed to protecting privacy and confidentiality of information provided by all riders. Please read our Privacy policy incorporating the provisions of GDPR to understand how we protect your personal information. The policy is available via a link on our website www.britishgravelchampionships.com

19.2. Specifically, in relation to participation on behalf of a Fundraising Partner the Rider acknowledges and accepts that personal information provided will be shared with the Fundraising Partner from whom the entry Code supplied to the Rider originated.

20. Photographs and Imagery

The Event may be recorded and videos, photographs and other recordings may be taken, where you may be captured participating in the Event. You agree to the publication of such photographs, videos, recordings, and/or likenesses of you (whether edited, adapted, modified or copied) and their use by us and those authorised by us, without prior notice or compensation, in any way which we may see fit now or in the future including but not limited to film, broadcast, radio, TV, publications, future events and publicity. You acknowledge that we have the full right to sell and/or profit from the commercial use of such photographs, motion pictures, recordings, and/or likenesses of you.

Any audio, visual, or audio-visual recordings that you make of the Event or any part of it are for personal use only and cannot be published or used for any commercial purpose without prior written consent by RED ON.

You might see film crew and the occasional drone out on course and at the event village. We use appropriately qualified crew and this will never impact your riding or on-site experience.